Mama Ngina University security in collaboration with Mutomo police post trained student on personal safety and security. The OCS sensitized the students on  habits that promote their safety personal security and provided the following tips: being alert about their environment at all, avoidance of an confrontation with local youth, , ensure that the  students notify the landlords any concerns about the safety of the residence, avoid staying out late, walking in groups when they are late, walking along lit streets and avoiding the dark alleys, avoid areas near Thiririka bridge where there has been cases of Mugging, reporting any security threat to the University Security officers or police, avoidance of substance and excessive consumption of alcohol, locking houses well while asleep and when they are away, create group forums and being mindful of colleagues-be one another brother’s keeper.

Student were given the security emergency lines of the university college Security already shared through student’s handbook, The phone number of the OCS’s and the information of the location of Mutomo police post located 200 m from the university.